jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

Gerunds as subjects and objects

Gerunds as subjects and objects

Click on the widget of Audiopal and wait few seconds while the audio loads.

If the audio doesn't load, click: HERE

Usage of  gerunds after verbs

Video (gerunds as subjects )

Gerunds after verbs: 

Extra resources:

Power point presentation: HERE

Extra video about Gerunds usage: here

Practice:  HERE   (To answer use all the reosurces)

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017

Definig and non-defining clauses - Relative Clauses

 Definig and non-defining clauses - Relative Clauses

Resultado de imagen para relative clauses

Hello guys!

Today I'm sharing with you a really interesting topic.

As we know, we have been studying the defining and non-defining clauses and all kinds of them (phrases in apposition, preposition phrases, infinitive clauses and relative clauses), so I have focused this post  related with the relative clauses in defining and non-defining ways.

Here you can see in the follow diagram how the relative clauses are divided.

Resultado de imagen para relative clauses

As you noticed for defining and non-defining clauses in some cases we can use the same pronoun  but in different context, The pronoun can be used to give a relevant and specific information or just to give extra information.

I think these differences and specifications has been ones of the most importat things that I have learned with this post.

but also I'm sharing with you a nice video, where you can watch how to use both kind of relative clauses in contex.
I hope that you enjoyed the video, it's really nice and useful.

Also at the end of the post, I have attached some links where you will find more and clear information about the topic and of course if you want to practice at the end of the post click on "Practice". I'm sure you will get  10 :) 

Thanks to this material I have learned many things that didn't know and others that I have improved a lot, for example now I know the correct usage of pronouns in relative clauses relating to defining and non-defining clauses .

I hope that this post will be useful to you.

Main Resource 1: here

Exercises: PRACTICE

viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

Finite and Non-finite Clauses


If the Audiopal doesn't appear, you can click  here

Click on play and wait few seconds while the audio loads

(Non-finite clauses)

Information and examples: here

More information and practice (ACTIVITY)  here  

Extra information and resources: Here

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017

Let's Practice the Noun Clauses

Noun Clauses

Resultado de imagen para noun clauses
Hello guys! 

Today I'm sharing with you some information and practice about noun clauses, that will help us to reinforce out knowledge, about this kind of clauses. 
For that I'm attaching some images where you can see simple examples about the use of  noun clauses in different situations.

Also I've attached in this post a nice video where you can see the explanation of noun clauses and "that clauses" usage, it's really interesting !!

And obviously if you want to practice the noun clauses you can find at the end of the post the link that says “Practice” and  in this way we’ll  be able to know how well we are in the noun clauses usage.

Actually, this material help me to understand better how to use the noun clauses and the different ways in which we can found them.

Let's see the material :) 

As you can see the noun clauses can act as a subject.

but also they can act as objects, you can see in the following picture:

Imagen relacionada
So, it means that depending of the context, situation and location of the clause they can act in different ways.

Now here is the video in which you can watch the noun clauses usage: 

And for practice, you can do  exercises  following the link: 

or clicking  Here.

I hope you find the information very useful.

Resultado de imagen para emojis