Infinitives Usage
Hello classmates!
I hope you're having a great day! , and thanks for visiting my new entry!
Well let's begin, We have already studied some infinitives and gerunds usage, but today I would like to focus just in sharing a complete view of the infinitives usage.
Infinitives have a lot of ways in which you can use them, and some situations are:
- To express purpose e.g.
I am calling to ask you about dad.
- As the subject of a sentence, e.g.
To visit the Grand Canyon is my life-long dream.
- To indicate what something can or will be used for,
Would you like something to drink?
- After and adjective:
It is important for you to be patient with your little brother.
- To make a judgement :
This is the right way to do.
And much more ways to use them !
As you can see the usage of infinitives is very important and useful to know because we use then every day, so that's why I'm going to share at the end of this post, some links where you will find complete information about the topic and exercises.
Also here I'm attaching a nice video where you can watch 5 ways to use infinitives, based on the location of the infinitive: direct object, subjects, subject complements, adjectives and abverbs.

- To express purpose e.g.
I am calling to ask you about dad.
- As the subject of a sentence, e.g.
To visit the Grand Canyon is my life-long dream.
- To indicate what something can or will be used for,
Would you like something to drink?
It is important for you to be patient with your little brother.
This is the right way to do.
And much more ways to use them !
As you can see the usage of infinitives is very important and useful to know because we use then every day, so that's why I'm going to share at the end of this post, some links where you will find complete information about the topic and exercises.
Also here I'm attaching a nice video where you can watch 5 ways to use infinitives, based on the location of the infinitive: direct object, subjects, subject complements, adjectives and abverbs.
Actually this information have helped me to reinforce and understand correctly the usage the infinitives usage, because there were some that I didn't know how to use them.
Then I hope this material will be useful to you, too :D
Link 1: HERE
Link 2 and practice: Here